- - - - - yumeneru - - - - - nemuru - - - - -


Hello there! This website is mainly a place for me to share various things. I hope something here is of interest to you. The links above will take you around then site; the below is my "status feed" where I write whatever I guess. Mostly updates about the site.


mio's profile picture: a drawing of hatsune miku New version of fanbox_down released which includes better HTML generation. pixiv_down has also seen some improvements recently, such as native macOS support (rather than relying on GraphicsMagick). eiv has also been moved to SourceForge since OSDN is being temperamental. I'll probably start mirroring other projects there. Finally, I've also started on a redesign of the website, which should be a bit nicer.

18 Mar 2024 by mio

mio's profile picture: a drawing of hatsune miku I've spent some time working on umi again. Mostly some performance improvements (such as only rebuilding modified files). I also happened to find the source image for my header image again! See the about page if you're interested. (RIP my neocities space)

11 Feb 2024 by mio

mio's profile picture: a drawing of hatsune miku As the year draws to a close, I've decided to write a little about what's been going on for the last few months and what projects I'll be working on from now.

31 Dec 2023 by mio

mio's profile picture: a drawing of hatsune miku Hello from the dead. Thought I'd let people interested know that magickd:graphicsmagick has been updated for D 2.104.0, which deprecated the use of in parameters in extern(C) linkage. So no more 1000+ deprecation messages!

25 Jun 2023 by mio

mio's profile picture: a drawing of hatsune miku I'm going to be consolidating my git repositories to primarily be on codeberg, with OSDN being a "mirror".

26 Apr 2023 by mio

This page was last updated: 2024-03-18