Hello there!
This website is mainly a place for me to share various things
Here's a brief overview of what you can expect during your visit…
- about.html : find out a little bit of information about the author of this website.
- archive.html : a not-so-secret stash of web content that you can't find anymore.
- projects.html : where you can find computer programs written by the author of this website.
- notes.html : miscellaneous collection of thoughts/tidbits/etc.
last update
- 2024.09.24 : projects
A new version of pixiv_down has been released, which addresses a change
pixiv made preventing images from downloading correctly.
Also! I've been working on some TDE projects, which has been really fun! - 2024.07.21 : plankter
I published a retrospective on my submission to Purism's Free–Software Game Jam.
It was rather fun! I would probably take part again, if they held another one. - 2024.07.20 : site
The site has recieved a visual overhaul! Gone is most of the purple!
The old design served me well for the last three years, but I felt like a change.
Also, the new site is hand-crafted rather than using umi
Let me know if something is missing. - 2024.03.18 : projects
New version of fanbox_down released which includes better HTML generation.
pixiv_down has also seen some improvements recently, such as native macOS support (rather than relying on GraphicsMagick).
eiv has also been moved to SourceForge since OSDN is being temperamental. I'll probably start mirroring other projects there.
Finally, I've also started on a redesign of the website, which should be a bit nicer. - 2024.02.11 : umi
I've spent some time working on umi again.
Mostly some performance improvements (such as only rebuilding modified files).
I also happened to find the source image for my header image again! See the about page if you're interested.