- - - - - yumeneru - - - - - nemuru - - - - -


Greetings and welcome to my website! I'm Mio, a person who programs as a hobby, reads quite a bit, and occasionally seldom plays video games. Perhaps as a result of this, most of the content on this website will be around computers and programming. I'll try to spice things up every now and then.

When I'm not partaking in any of the above, I'm generally at work (orz) or playing with my dog. I'm trying to explore other offline activities as well.

Header Image

The header image was created by 528 on piapro, specifically, this one. The license allows for non-commercial use only. The version in use on this site has been cropped and probably compressed.

I noticed on 2023-07-02 that the above links don't work anymore unfortunately I don't have the original copy, sorry for those who asked… m(_ _)m. I'll make sure to archive future images though. I found it! Here is the original image (2 MB). It was hiding on my RaspberryPi that I setup a few years ago to run NextCloud, but never really used. It was only because I tried changing from NextCloud to Seafile that I found it …though I haven't really been using Seafile either. There were a couple of other images from the same artist hidden there as well. You can view them on the archive page.

Avatar Image

As with the header image, the avatar image is also from piapro. It's drawn by 詩依. Specifically, the work is called ぶあっ. The license allows for non-commercial use. There are two different versions in use on this site, one that is scaled to 64px wide (used for the status feed), and another that is scaled to 256px wide (used on this page!).

Other people

Some people who are (at least somewhat) interesting to me.


I don't check on these sites often, either because the person has stopped updating it, or they've become less interesting to me.


echo -n 'c3RpZ21hQGRpc3Jvb3Qub3Jn' | base64 --decode

Last Updated: 2024-02-11