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extract .dmg on gnu/linux

simple steps to extract a .dmg file on linux. for the example on this page, were going to use the SFMono.dmg font available on Apple's design website.

wget "https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/design/resources/download/SF-Mono.dmg"
7z x SF-Mono.dmg
cd SFMonoFonts
7z x "SF Mono Fonts.pkg"
7z x Payload~

installing the fonts

as a bonus: installing the fonts we just downloaded!

cd Library/Fonts/
# your distribution may use a different directory than the below,
# such as /usr/share/fonts/OTF, or something.
sudo cp ./*.otf /usr/share/fonts/opentype
# re-build the font cache information
sudo fc-cache -f

last updated: 2022-01-11