pixiv_down is a CLI tool for downloading works from pixiv.


pixiv_down allows you to download:

Source Code

The pixiv_down source code is available via git.
Web interfaces are available at the pixiv_down repository hosted on Codeberg and the pixiv_down repository at SourceForge.

To retrieve the tree and place it in a sub-directory in your current directory, you can clone it from either of the above repositories:

git clone https://codeberg.org/supercell/pixiv_down


git clone https://happyender@git.code.sf.net/p/pixiv-down/code pixiv-down


Currently there are no compiled binaries/executables for you to download.
You will have to build from source.
Each new release will have a generated archive that you can download either from Codeberg or SourceForge.


Please keep in mind that constantly sending a lot of requests to the servers hosting pixiv may result in your account being suspended or terminated.
pixiv_down has a rudimentary system to try and avoid this, however there is no guarantee that it will prevent this from happening.
I'm not responsible if you abuse the servers.

It should also be mentioned that pixiv_down doesn't help you download content which you don't have access to.
For example, if you're attempting to download a post from another person's account and it is private, then it will not work.


There are a couple of configuration that you can configure.
They are better explained in the included pixiv_down.conf(5) man page, but I'll include an overview here as well.
The configuration file can be found in the following locations, depending on your operating system:

The configuration should be as follows:

directory = /home/username/Pictures
# The above determines the root directory where content will be downloaded to.
# Directories will be created below this one, for each artist ID.

always_remove_invalid = no
# Enabling always_remove_invalid causes the bookmarked command to attempt to
# remove the bookmark from your bookmark list, if the bookmark cannot be
# downloaded (probably because the work has been deleted)

The above are the default values.
The username part of /home/username/Pictures is, of course, replaced by your account username.


pixiv_down is licensed under the terms GNU General Public License, version 3.
You can find more details in the COPYING file, or online at the GNU website.