- - - - - yumeneru - - - - - nemuru - - - - -


A CLI tool for downloading content from pixiv. It allows you to download individual artworks/manga, all of an accounts artworks/manga, the latest content from accounts you follow, and all content from all of the accounts you follow.


Usage: pixiv_down <command> <arguments> [options]

  artist [-t|--type TYPE] <id> [<id2>, <id3>, ...]

      Download all content of TYPE from the provided account ID(s).
      TYPE can be either manga, illust, or novel, depending on what
      you want to download.

  artwork [--group-errors] <id> [<id2>, <id3>, ...]

      Download an artwork (or manga) with ID <id>.  You can download
      multiple items by passing multiple IDs separated by a space.

      The --group-errors option will change the behaviour such that
      instead of printing any errors after each ID, all errors will
      be printed after attempting to download the last ID.

  compact [-i|--interactive] [-n|--dry-run]

      Go through all the accounts you have downloaded and remove
      duplicated content.  When downloading, pixiv_down creates
      a directory using the current account's display name, which
      can change.  The compact command will move any content from
      the old directories (previous display names) in to the
      directory using the current display name, so long as the
      content is not already present.

      The --interactive option will allow you to choose which
      directory name to use.  The --dry-run option will print
      out the actions that would take place, without actually
      performing the actions.

  daily <-e|--end END> [-b|--begin BEGIN] [-s|--sfw-only]

      Download the latest content from all the accounts you follow.
      The END option specifies the date to stop downloading at. The
      default behaviour is to download everything from the time of
      execution until END. You can optionally specify BEGIN to change
      the date pixiv_down begins downloading from. Both BEGIN and
      END expect a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

      The --sfw-only option restricts the content that is downloaded
      to that which is not marked as R-18..

  following <--public|--private> [-s|--skip NUMBER]

      Download all content from the accounts you follow, in order of
      most recently followed. You must specify whether to download
      from accounts you publically follow (--public) or the accounts
      you follow in private (--private).

      If you know that you have already downloaded the first 3
      accounts, you can use the --skip option (--skip 3) which
      will cause pixiv_down to skip over the first 3 accounts.

  novel [--group-errors] <id> [<id2> <id3> ...]

      Download the novel with ID <id>.  You can download multiple
      items by passing multiple IDs separated by a space.

      The --group-errors option will change the behaviour such that
      instead of printing any errors after each ID, all errors will
      be printed after attempting to download the last ID.

  prune [-n|--dry-run] [-q|--quiet]

      Go through all the accounts you have downloaded and remove
      directories for accounts that you no longer follow, or no
      longer exist (i.e. the account has been deleted).

      You will be prompted to remove an account's directories unless
      the --quiet option is used, in which case the directories will
      be removed automatically.

      Passing the --dry-run option will still prompt to remove
      the directories, however, it will not actually remove them.


At the moment there is only one configuration option, which is to specify where the content is downloaded. The configuration file can be found in the following locations, depending on your operating system:

The configuration should be as follows:

directory = /home/username/Pictures

Change /home/username/Pictures to the directory of your choice.


Currently there are no direct downloads meaning you'll have to build from source. I plan on providing an AppImage for Linux soon, I just want to have a version of MagickD for the more recent versions of GraphicsMagick.

Source Code

The pixiv_down source code is available via git. Web interfaces are available at the pixiv_down repository hosted on codeberg and the pixiv_down repository at SourceForge.

To get the tree and place it in a sub-directory of your current directory, you can clone it from either of the above repositories:

git clone https://codeberg.org/supercell/pixiv_down


git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/pixiv-down/code pixiv_down


Please keep in mind that constantly sending a lot of requests to the servers hosting pixiv may result in your account being suspended or terminated. pixiv_down has a rudementary system to try and avoid this, however there is no guarantee that it will prevent this from happening. I'm not responsible if you abuse the servers.

It should also be mentioned that pixiv_down doesn't help you download content which you don't have access to. For example, if you're attempting to download a post from another person's account and it is private, then it will not work.


pixiv_down is licensed under the terms GNU General Public License, version 3. You can find more details in the COPYING file, or online at the GNU website.


There isn't too much of a roadmap, just a couple of loose features that I still want to implement before calling this "done".

This page was first uploaded: 2023-01-28
Last update: 2024-03-18 (Updated usage, macOS support, and OSDN -> SourceForge)